Friday, December 14, 2012


I was going to share pictures of my new quilt and other holiday things i was working on today. Instead, after a day spent wrapping presents, I turned on the tv at 230pm, to find a horrific situation being reported on out of Connecticut. I stood frozen in disbelief, tears streaming from my eyes. That some one could heartlessly kill so many innocent people is just... well, I dont really have words for it. I was supposed to leaving to pick up my own children, one a 4th grader, the other a kindergardener in just 10 minutes. After sitting in my car outside the school for 30 minutes listening to various radio reports on the shootings, I am almost numb. The kids who get picked up by cars line up along the fence as they wait for the person who will take them home, and i couldnt help counting them as they stood there, the first 20, and just thought- even one, THATS too many. My 6 year old asked, after I gave him the abridged version, "Well, did the police kill the shooter Mom?" I told him yes, that he was dead, and then told him, it doesnt even matter, because it wont bring back or change what has happened, and that is the real tragedy. My thoughts go out to all of the families that are dealing with this, and though i have no words of comfort to give you, I wish you emotional healing and closure, because that's all i can hope for.

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